A lawyer is a professional who advises on legal matters. They usually attend law school and pass a bar exam to become qualified to practice law. They represent clients in trials and defend them against criminal charges. They also draft legal documents and supervise legal assistants or paralegals.
A judge decides whether someone is guilty or not of a crime in a trial. They can do this by examining evidence and testimony. They may ask the defense attorney and the prosecutor to present evidence in front of a jury, or they can allow the attorneys to discuss their case with the jury.
If a defendant doesn’t agree with the way their defense attorney is handling a particular issue, they can file an objection, which is a written request to the judge to make a decision about the case. The judge will consider the objections and any supporting documents before making a decision about the case.
The judge might “sustain” (meaning that the action stops) or “overrule” (meaning that they change the magistrate’s decision). Alternatively, the judge may order a new trial. Recommended this site personal injury attorneys.
A judge also makes a decision about child custody in divorce cases. These decisions are based on what is in the best interests of the children involved. This means the court considers factors like a party’s living arrangements, parenting abilities, and relationship with their parents.
In addition, judges often take into account any other significant factor in the case that could affect a judge’s decision, such as the parties’ ability to communicate or their personal circumstances. For example, if one spouse is a drug user, this fact might influence the court’s decision on child custody.
Before a judge makes a decision about your case, you must prepare what’s called a “pleading” — a statement of the facts and your legal arguments that you want to present to the court. The pleading should contain all the information the judge will need to make a decision, such as the names of the people involved and the date the case started. You must also follow the rules for filing a pleading and service of your documents on the other party.